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Week Five: Fixtures



In Week Five, "Fixtures," we delve into the critical aspects of evaluation and adaptability within your homeschooling journey. This week is dedicated to establishing a system of assessment that not only aids in setting up your academic plan but also enables you to identify and address challenges throughout the year. Embracing the approach of "Be Present and Ask Hard Questions" encourages a proactive and reflective stance in your homeschooling practice, ensuring continuous improvement and alignment with your educational goals.


Key Focus Areas:
  1. Evaluation Systems: Understand the importance of regular evaluations in your homeschooling approach. Learn how to create a system that assesses both academic progress and the overall well-being of your children, ensuring a holistic approach to education.

  2. Problem Identification and Resolution: Equip yourself with strategies to identify potential issues in your homeschooling plan and find effective solutions. This involves being attuned to your children's needs and being flexible in adjusting your methods and schedule as required.

  3. Being Present: Cultivate the practice of being fully present and engaged with your children's learning experiences. This involves active listening, observing, and participating in their learning journey, which is essential for effective evaluation and adaptation.


  • End of Year Evaluation Process: Develop a comprehensive end-of-year evaluation framework that assesses academic achievements, personal growth, and areas for improvement. This process should involve self-reflection, feedback from your children, and a review of the year's goals and outcomes.

  • Homeschool Convention Checklist: Prepare a checklist for attending homeschool conventions, ensuring you make the most of these opportunities for networking, resource acquisition, and professional development.

  • Professional Development Plan: Outline a plan for your own continuous learning as a homeschool educator. This plan should include goals for enhancing your teaching skills, staying updated on educational trends, and exploring new homeschooling methods and resources.

  • Implement a Mini-Evaluation: Conduct a mini-evaluation of your homeschooling progress so far. This could involve reviewing completed work, discussing with your children their thoughts on the homeschooling experience, and reflecting on what has worked well and what might need adjustment.

  • Plan Your First Homeschool Convention Visit: Using the checklist provided, research upcoming homeschool conventions you might attend. Identify key sessions, workshops, and exhibitors that align with your homeschooling approach and professional development goals.

  • Outline Your Professional Development Goals: Set specific, measurable goals for your own professional development as a homeschool educator. This might include reading certain books, completing online courses, or engaging with a homeschooling mentor or community.


This week emphasizes the importance of introspection and adaptability in your homeschooling journey. By establishing robust evaluation processes and being willing to address challenges head-on, you ensure that your homeschool remains responsive to the needs and aspirations of your family. Remember, the goal is not just academic success but fostering a love of learning and personal growth in your children. Being present and asking the hard questions are essential practices that will guide you in continuously refining your homeschooling approach.

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